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  • Feng Shui in the USA | Location 6: Elvis Presley's Mausoleum and Family Legacy
Feng Shui in the USA | Location 6: Elvis Presley's Mausoleum and Family Legacy

Feng Shui in the USA | Location 6: Elvis Presley's Mausoleum and Family Legacy 

Feng Shui in the USA | Location 6: Elvis Presley's Mausoleum and Family Legacy

Elvis Presley, the King of Rock and Roll, remains an icon in the music industry alongside Michael Jackson, the King of Pop. Born in the winter of 1935, Elvis's astrological chart reveals a dominance of Wood element but a deficiency in the Fire element, indicating a penchant for fiery attributes crucial for his musical success. His mansion in Memphis, Tennessee, painted predominantly in red hues, reflects his affinity for Fire energy, a common trait among successful individuals in the entertainment industry.

While there's no explicit evidence of Elvis's knowledge of Feng Shui, anecdotes suggest his inclination towards its principles. For years, his home interiors were adorned with vibrant red and gold colors, symbolizing prosperity and vitality. Additionally, Elvis's fondness for horse riding, associated with the Fire element, further attests to his alignment with Feng Shui principles.

However, despite his wealth and fame, Elvis's descendants couldn't maintain his prosperity. An analysis of his mausoleum reveals significant Feng Shui misalignments. The gravesite, lacking standing headstones and situated below ground level, fails to uphold traditional Feng Shui practices. Instead of facing eastward, as recommended, the mausoleum's orientation veers towards the west, disrupting the flow of positive energy. 

Moreover, the presence of a perpetual water fountain behind the gravesite contradicts Feng Shui principles, as it symbolizes movement and disturbance rather than tranquility and rest. The continuous flow of water disrupts the peaceful repose of the deceased, hindering the accumulation of positive energy. 

In contrast to the serene environment conducive to ancestral reverence, the mausoleum's design fosters restlessness and instability, reflected in the declining fortunes of Elvis's descendants. Despite the influx of tourists seeking to pay homage, the inability to preserve wealth and stability underscores the impact of Feng Shui on the family's prosperity. 

In conclusion, Elvis Presley's mausoleum serves as a poignant example of how Feng Shui influences human fortunes. Despite his legendary status in the music industry, the misalignment of Feng Shui principles in his final resting place contributed to the dissipation of his family's wealth and legacy. 

Feng Shui Insights: Elvis Presley's Mausoleum and Family Legacy 

Above are Feng Shui in the USA | Location 6: Elvis Presley's Mausoleum and Family Legacy that you can refer to. We hope these insights will provide you with useful information to apply in Fengshui practice.  

The theories mentioned above are all taught in the Xuan Kong Flying StarXuan Kong Da GuaXuan Kong Liu Pha at Tuong Minh Feng Shui Offline in the United States and Online in Vietnam. If you would like to learn more about Fengshui in cemeteries, you can register for our classes or consult our Fengshui services through our Hotline: 0981 229 461 hoặc Fanpage: Phong Thủy Tường Minh